Coolpack BV, is the only producer and supplier of cooling elements and producer of gel-ice packs, gel packs, hot packs, foam bricks, sponge packs, eutectic gastronorm cooling plates, ice plates, freezing plates and cool packaging. The number one international supplier for over 50 years.
We deliver our cooling elements and gel packs to amongst others super markets, pharmacies, food, vegetables, fish, cheese, and chocoalte industries, catering industry, e-com business and many others. We deliver cooling elements and gel packs filled with a phase change material (PCM) from +5°C, +6.5°C and + 20°C or from 0°C to -21°C.
Coolpack BV sets the highest standard in quality, reliability and efficiency of our products. We guarantee short delivery times and meet the specific needs of our customers. All our cooling products are succesfully used by a steady growing number of customers throughout all different kind of markets.
Coolpack BV is ISO 9001 certified.
Coolpack BV is producer of cooling elements, gel packs, cooling plates, sponge packs and foam packs. We offer a broad assortment in cooling products.
Solution focussed
Coolpack BV has over 50 years of experience in the offering of cooling solutions to her customers. For each cooling challenge we have the expertise and the solution.
Coolpack BV handles quick deliveries, high quality standards and delivery worldwide to amongst others pharmacy, fishing and fresh food sector, retailers and wholesalers.